I love pottery and I love poetry so it was probably inevitable that one day I would combine the two. I am so old that I come from a time where your schooldays were spent learning great chunks of verse by heart. So now, when I can no longer remember what I went into the next room for, I can still recite poems I learned as a ten year old!
They fought the dogs, and kill'd the cats,
And bit the babies in the cradles,'
That was my favourite line as a kid - in the tradition of the best fairy tales, the imagery in Browning's 'Pied Piper' is wonderfully graphic and gruesome. 'Split open the kegs of salted sprats,
Made nests inside men's Sunday hats,'
And of course, every good fable has to have a moral to it and this is no exception; See what can happen to people who do not keep their promises!
I may be the only potter to decorate their pots with images of rats - but what fun I had doing these.
And so I moved on to an Arthurian Legend next.
The Lady of the Lake.
It's not an accurate depiction, and I have learnt a lesson here about doing better research next time, but I'm pleased with it nonetheless.
The patchwork pieces are still on-going, but I'm hoping these new pieces will find favour somewhere, as I need to 'mix it up a bit' in order to keep things fresh and challenging.
What are your favourite childhood stories? Maybe I'll put them on a pot!
Hope you like!x Cathy x