What do you think of these little heart brooches? They are about 3cm across and I made them during my mammoth button making episode a few weeks ago.
I've never done jewellery before, but for fairly chunky things like these, I think ceramic works quite well.
And if you should spot anyone out and about wearing one of these, it is probably me. Well - they say it pays to advertise!
You might remember the large patchwork platter I was making a while ago too. This is how it came out. I'm not sure if the pale colours are really to my own personal taste, but I hope someone out there will like it as it is off to a gallery next week.
Technically, I am pleased with it and may make another in a different colour scheme.
By the way, you may like to know that last week a certain department store which stocks my work was asking about items for the up-coming Chr****** Season.
That's the first mention of the unmentionable 'C' word this year - in JULY!! Only how many Shopping Days til ...... ?