Well, some of you may recall my tale of woe from last year when I was
So I put my thinking cap on and came up with a plan, of sorts.
You all know how I've been taking these wonderful quiltblock patterns from their natural habitat to put them onto my handmade pottery. Well, why stop there, I thought. Why not extend these designs onto a few other bits and bobs?
Maybe just a small collection of kitchen textiles, china mugs and coasters, across four different designs? So I gave it a shot, and I'm thrilled to bits with how brilliantly these new products have turned out.
Only, this blog isn't ideal for showing this new stuff, so I've done a new blog that will include BOTH my handmade ceramics AND these new items, and other things crafty, creative and quilty.
I have absolutely loved doing my PotterJotter blog and I don't want to lose contact with you brilliant, supportive, creative friends out there, so I really hope that you will come over to the new blog with me. I refuse to say 'follow me' as I hate that. I have never felt you are all following me, any more than I am following you. It always feels to me more like we just drop in for a chat now and again like mates do.
Oh yes .... the important bit: my new blog is called PATCHY DETAILS. And you may just find an introductory Giveaway there!
See you soon, I hope!
Bye for now. x Cathy