Catherine Daniel Ceramics

Hello and welcome to my blog where I share some of the thought processes and textile/quilting inspirations behind my ceramic art, and occasionally other random topics!
For more details and pictures of my ceramic creations, please see my website -

Friday, 28 February 2014

Blog Re-shuffle !!

Sadly, (sob, sob), this is going to be my final posting from this blog ...  but happily, I am going to continue from a shiny new blog!  And the reason for all this change?

Well, some of you may recall my tale of woe from last year when I was thrown on the scrap-heap made redundant from my part-time 'proper job'?  Thing is, my little pottery, popular as it is, is not enough to keep the wolf from the door and my kids in everlasting education! 
So I put my thinking cap on and came up with a plan, of sorts.

You all know how I've been taking these wonderful quiltblock patterns from their natural habitat to put them onto my handmade pottery.  Well, why stop there, I thought.  Why not extend these designs onto a few other bits and bobs?

Maybe just a small collection of kitchen textiles, china mugs and coasters, across four different designs? So I gave it a shot, and I'm thrilled to bits with how brilliantly these new products have turned out.

Only, this blog isn't ideal for showing this new stuff, so I've done a new blog that will include BOTH my handmade ceramics AND these new items, and other things crafty, creative and quilty.

I have absolutely loved doing my PotterJotter blog and I don't want to lose contact with you brilliant, supportive, creative friends out there, so I really hope that you will come over to the new blog with me.  I refuse to say 'follow me' as I hate that.  I have never felt you are all following me, any more than I am following you.  It always feels to me more like we just drop in for a chat now and again like mates do.

Oh yes .... the important bit:  my new blog is called PATCHY DETAILS.  And you may just find an introductory Giveaway there!

See you soon, I hope!

Bye for now.  x Cathy

Monday, 17 February 2014

Rose of Sharon

I decided to stray away from the traditional geometric patterns I usually use and try making a bowl bearing an applique quilt block.

I picked a favourite from one of my really useful 'quilt block bibles' ...

The Rose of Sharon design was a popular motif in the mid-nineteenth century, making a comeback in the 1930s.  The pattern is said to represent romantic love and the sacrament of marriage.  (I should have posted this on Valentine's Day really!). It was therefore popular as an engagement or wedding quilt, being rarely used for anything else in the late 1800s.

The name comes from the Song of Solomon's book of the Old Testament and the word translated as 'Rose' is probably a flowering plant native to the area of Palestine known as Sharon.

Many Rose of Sharon quilts have survived because they were the best quilts, used only for company or tucked away as items of value rather than everyday quilts.

My 19yr old son remarked whilst I was making it that it 'didn't look very interesting', so I wasn't sure if it would work.  But I actually love it - and hope that it survives the test of time just like its quilted counterparts.

What can I say ..... nineteen year old lads obviously know everything, but they're not my target audience.
You lovely bloggers are, so it's your opinion that matters! 

x Cathy

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Hexie Quilt Bowls

So, I left off last time with a picture of a different kind of Quilt Block design which I am interpreting into clay - Hexagons!

This pattern was really easy to map out - I just used the imprint from a hexagon shaped plastic container.  Yes - that probably is cheating, but soooo quick!

Then it just remained to give each patch its texture and pattern to give the finished piece some interest. I forced myself to be restrained with the colours on this one - all tones of blue.

I like to think it's the ceramic equivalent of a well-planned quilt for which you went out and chose specific matching fabrics.....

....  as opposed to this one, where all the leftover scraps were used!  I was somewhat less restrained here!

The central hexagon is decorated with my favourite clay stamping tool.

It's an old costume jewellery brooch which, when pushed into the clay, leaves a fantastic imprint ready for decoration.

At least, I hope it's just junk jewellery!  

You may also spot the glare of sunlight on some of these pictures - obviously I did that on purpose to warm you all up!

Am now off to stoke the fire .... brrrr!

x Cathy