Catherine Daniel Ceramics

Hello and welcome to my blog where I share some of the thought processes and textile/quilting inspirations behind my ceramic art, and occasionally other random topics!
For more details and pictures of my ceramic creations, please see my website -

Monday, 17 February 2014

Rose of Sharon

I decided to stray away from the traditional geometric patterns I usually use and try making a bowl bearing an applique quilt block.

I picked a favourite from one of my really useful 'quilt block bibles' ...

The Rose of Sharon design was a popular motif in the mid-nineteenth century, making a comeback in the 1930s.  The pattern is said to represent romantic love and the sacrament of marriage.  (I should have posted this on Valentine's Day really!). It was therefore popular as an engagement or wedding quilt, being rarely used for anything else in the late 1800s.

The name comes from the Song of Solomon's book of the Old Testament and the word translated as 'Rose' is probably a flowering plant native to the area of Palestine known as Sharon.

Many Rose of Sharon quilts have survived because they were the best quilts, used only for company or tucked away as items of value rather than everyday quilts.

My 19yr old son remarked whilst I was making it that it 'didn't look very interesting', so I wasn't sure if it would work.  But I actually love it - and hope that it survives the test of time just like its quilted counterparts.

What can I say ..... nineteen year old lads obviously know everything, but they're not my target audience.
You lovely bloggers are, so it's your opinion that matters! 

x Cathy


  1. it worked out very well! Fabulously well.

  2. Not being a stitcher, I imagine, your 19-year-old won't have realised quite what a triumph you have achieved here. Did you find it, in the end, easier, harder, or just generally different from your more usual, more geometric pieces?

    1. Hi Rachel - it was actually more difficult than the geometric patterns and took much longer, but more thinking about! C.

  3. Gorgeous. What a brilliant idea. Applique blocks should provide you with loads on inspiration. I too am about to do a small applique block makes a nice change.

  4. Well I love it! Gorgeous colours and beautiful designs. Pah! to 19 year olds.

  5. It's worked beautifully Cathy. A lovely gift for a quilt lover. Imagine the market in the US for your dish?!
    So now you've done this first applique quilt block, I wonder what you'll try next?!
    It's annoying how a casual remark from a family member who knows next to nothing on a subject can cast doubt in your mind - I speak of course from experience, living with my husband who is, apparently, an expert on all things to do with sewing and crochet, and vintage and antique textiles (oh yes, he specialises in lace!),and my daughter, that well-known style guru. I just ignore them.
    Gill xx

  6. Oh Cathy I love it... 19 year old boys don't know about quilting blocks..... This is very pretty....

  7. My Mother is the World Champion 'helpful remark about something new you have just created and are proud of ' giver.Her classic was, about three paintings that were accepted to be shown by the Society of Botanical Artists, "well, I wouldn't bother, they aren't botanical enough". I very nearly didn't submit them for the show...know better after that and try to rise above the helpful comments! I'm working on a design using red/green/white applique currently, clearly something in the air...

  8. FABULOUS! And yes, I bet it was more difficult. Well done you.

  9. I think it's beautiful. A little different to what's come before and all the more interesting for that :)

  10. I think the Rose of Sharon block works wonderfully in ceramic, I really like how you've emphasised the romance theme with the hearts around the border. I wonder if this is the beginning of a series of appliqué bowls?

  11. I like it very much Cathy. Thank you for the information about the block too - I recently made a cushion cover (well actually it's not quite a cushion cover yet!) using this design and I had no idea of it's history. xx

  12. Kids eh! take no notice it's gorgeous. Lovely colours, nice to know a bit about the history of it as well.

  13. Just found your blog, after you had commented on mine! Love your ceramic quilt bowls, what a fantastic idea :)

  14. I love the Rose of Sharon piece! I have the templates for that pattern and I haven't used them yet. I think that I need to in the near future. Lovely work! Your son's comment made me laugh. Maybe it isn't his cup of tea, but I like it :-)
