Catherine Daniel Ceramics

Hello and welcome to my blog where I share some of the thought processes and textile/quilting inspirations behind my ceramic art, and occasionally other random topics!
For more details and pictures of my ceramic creations, please see my website -

Friday, 29 June 2012

Poettery - a cross between Pottery and Poetry!!

I drive past a charity shop most days, and I drive by very slowly so that I can have a good look at what new things they've put outside, and mostly I have just about avoided driving off the road whilst doing so.  Anyway, one day I spotted these two hefty planks of wood, connected one above the other with rope.  I have not the faintest idea what they could have been used for, (swinging shelves??), but I instantly knew what I would use them for.  So I parted with a fiver and they came home with me.

I made lots of letters to form a quote from a favourite poem along with other objects described in the poem, a crab, a shell, a starfish and a smooth round stone.  Below you see the letters all finished with the other pieces still at the bisque stage.  I shuffled them around on the board til I was happy with the composition, took a photo so that I would remember, and then glazed and fired the rest of the pieces.

I decided to paint the board white as the glazed finish always looks brighter on a white background.  When they popped out of the kiln I stuck them to the board and Hey Presto!  This is what it looks like.

Complete with original rope through original holes for hanging on a wall in a seaside home.
And the poem?

maggie and milly and molly and may
by E E Cummings

maggie and milly and molly and may
went down to the beach (to play one day)
and maggie discovered a shell that sang
so sweetly she couldn't remember her troubles, and

milly befriended a stranded star
whose rays five languid fingers were,
and molly was chased by a horrible thing
which raced sideways while blowing bubbles; and

may came home with a smooth round stone
as small as a world and as large as alone.
For whatever we lose (like a you or a me)
It's always ourselves we find in the sea.

And what happened to the other board I bought?  It's another Poettery one which I'll show next time.

Have a lovely weekend.
x Cathy

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Tastes Differ and Tastes Change

Sometimes when a piece comes out of the kiln, I look at it and don't quite know why I have reservations about it, but I do.  Over the years, though, I have forced myself to recognise that just because it's not to my own personal taste, does not mean that someone else out there will not think it is just wonderful!  I tell myself that Variety is the Spice of Life .... how boring would it be if we all liked the same thing?

I was thinking of this recently when I did my hearts giveaway and invited participants to commission their own personal heart/chicken with the colours and pattern they particularly liked.   Everyone asked for something different.

The two winners chose different patterns, but interestingly, the same colours.  Tess from Driftwood chose the blue, red and white daisies in the middle, and Heather from Hearts of Hampshire chose the patchwork on the right.  The one on the far left is another recent commission.

Do you sense a theme emerging here?  It does make you wonder how far our personal tastes are influenced by outside events, in view of the patriotic summer we are all having.
Whilst I love all of these choices, my own preferences at the moment are all greens and browns (trust me to buck the trend!).

And of course, tastes vary and tastes also CHANGE.  Mine change all the time.  Which is a good thing, otherwise I would still be dressed how I dressed in the 1970s and that was not a good look!  I look at those photos and wonder what we were thinking!

Well, I am about to set off with the Mr to take this lot and more to Anglesey Abbey.  I hope there is something here to suit most tastes!
No doubt he will force me to eat a large scone with a cuppa whilst we are there - some tastes never change!
Had better rush, so that we can make it back in time for the first football match of the day!!  Yawn!

x Cathy

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Busy Busy Busy!

So, here I am doing my weekly blogpost a whole week late.  Shame on me!   I am a disgrace to bloggers everywhere.  I should be hounded out of the Blogosphere!  Are the shades of Blogdom to be thus polluted? (to paraphrase Lady Catherine).

But, you see, that's what you get for going on holiday ..... twice as much to do when you get back and half the time to do it in!  And, to be honest, I couldn't think of anything to blog about, because as you can see, I am just making the same old, same old.  Once I have agreed a certain range of products with a stockist, that's what I have to stick to and that's what I have to keep making .... over .... and .... over.... again!

I am allowed to vary the pattern, but the items have to remain the same. Sometimes, just for a walk on the wild side, I make up a design as I go along, like this one below.

So,as you see, I had nothing new to post about, until ..... Rachel at VirtuoSew Adventures came to my rescue by giving me this little blogging award:

I have to tell you some things about myself that you may not already know and then pass the award on to a few people whose sunny blogs I particularly enjoy for them to do likewise.

So Here Goes!

  • I have only been potting for about four or five years and in that short time I have been really lucky.
  • I am one of four children; I am married to one of five children; his mother was one of nine children; we have three children.
  • My pottery is influenced by textiles but I don't sew and couldn't make a quilt to save my life!
  • I love to travel and am currently planning a trip to Italy for September which I am sooooo looking forward to.
  • I need a lot of sleep and last night I stupidly stayed up til 2a.m. watching a film I have already seen at least four times!
  • I made sausage casserole for tea tonight, which is a winter dish really .... say no more!

There!  How exciting was that! And now,  I nominate the following blogs for a Sunshine Award.

Vintage Reading - for keeping me up to date with what I wish I had time to read!
The White House - for life on the Norfolk Coast
Four Happy Bunnies - for writing about the Norfolk Broads and Norfolk ice-cream.
Textile Treasury - for daring to post a picture of her poorly toe bandaged in rather tasteful floral fabric.
Hearts of Hampshire - for the loveliest header picture in blogland
Mouintain Ash - for showing us wonderfully creative needlework and quilty things and for living in the gorgeous Yorkshire Dales.

(and if all those links work ... it'll be a miracle!).

x Cathy x